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MIDAS Grant Computing Credits

MIDAS and U-M Information and Technology Services (ITS) partner with Microsoft Azure and Google (GCP) to offer cloud computing credits to U-M faculty members for both research and teaching projects. Either platform is eligible for up to $20,000 in computing credits....

Michigan Research Cores

Michigan Research Cores offers a searchable database of research groups ranging from biomedical to behavioral sciences to health policy. Interested research faculty and staff across the U-M community can submit a core to be included on their website. 

U-M Library Research Data Services

The University of Michigan Library offers a variety of data-oriented resources, including metadata management and consulting, text and data mining, data preservation, and data visualization. Resource and consultation inquiries may be directed to...

U-M Library Data Workflow Consultation Services

The University of Michigan Library has consultants who specialize in data workflows. These consultants can assist with retrieving research data from their current location (a researcher’s hard-drive, server, sensor, flash drive, etc.) to another location from where it...

Deep Blue Repositories

Deep Blue Repositories provide safe and permanent access to research materials, including documents and data. Deep Blue Documents offer repositories for articles, chapters, dissertations, conference presentations, media, and other work produced by the U-M community....