by kathpear | Sep 3, 2020
Skylar Hawthorne is a philosopher, musician, and data scientist. Last year, she graduated from Boston University cum laude with degrees in philosophy, psychology, and a minor in music. Now, she works as a Data Curator for ICPSR, helping to maintain the worlds largest...
by millioaj | Feb 21, 2020
A.J. Million is the Director of the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data, which facilitates research in criminal justice and criminology. In 2017, he earned his Ph.D. in Information Science and Learning Technologies from the University of Missouri where his...
by ebakshis | Feb 20, 2020
To investigate polygenic risk in susceptibility to dementia, particularly among groups at increased risk of disease, including women, minorities, rural inhabitants, and those with low educational attainment. Because an individual’s susceptibility to dementia is likely...